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Episode 8 – Salwa Al Katrib

Salwa Al Katrib

Salwa Al Katrib

Salwa Al Katrib was a Lebanese singer and stage actress best known for her roles in Emerald Princess and Mountain Girl (‘Bent Al Jabal’). She was born in Al Mina, Tripoli, in 1950 before moving to Beirut to complete her schooling and launch her career. She enjoyed most of her fame in the theatrical circle in Lebanon and the Arab World between 1974 and 2005.

Lebanese-Arabic Transcript and English Contextual Translation


أهلا وسهلا فيكُن مستمعينا معي أنا صبا. أكيد كلنا منعرف وسامعين بأبرز الأسامي لنشهرت بساحة الفن اللبنانيّة عبر لسنين. في أسامي انشهرت وبعدا مشهورة كتير وعايشي بيناتنا، وفي أسامي كمان انشهرِت كتير بس جيل الشباب ليوم بطّل كتير يسمع عنّا. بدّي عرّفكن أكتر وإحكي عن الفنّانة اللبنانيّة سلوى القطريب لشتهرِت بالتمثيل والغناء بالسبعينات وكانت معروفة بلَقب “ماي فير لايدي” My Fair Lady يعني سيّدتي الجميلة بالعربي.

Greetings to our listeners from me, Siba. We all certainly know and have heard of the most prominent names in the Lebanese art scene over the years. Some names were, and still are, famous and present today, while others were famous but not quite recognized by the youth of today. I would like to introduce to you and talk about the Lebanese artist Salwa Al Qatrib who was famous for her acting and singing in the 1970s and was given the title My Fair Lady.


خلّونا أوّل شي ناخد لمحة صغيرة عن أصلها ومحل ولادتها كرمال نفهم تاريخها ومسارها الفنّي بطريقة أحسن. ولِدت سلوى القطريب بطرابلس لمينا بسنة لألف وتسعميّة وخمسين 1950، وكان بيّا هوّ عازف العود ومغنّي الموشّحات صليبا لقطريب لتعاون بزمانه مع ملحّنين مهمّين منّن محمد عبد الوهاب. وإمّها كان إسما فدوى حيدر، ربّتها على العلِم والطموح، وكانت سلوى الطفلة السابعة بين سبع إخوة صبايا وشباب ونقلت مع عيلتها عبيروت لمتابعة درسا بمدرسة بالأشرفيّة وقتا اضطرّ بيّا  ينقل بسبب ظروف شغلو وفنّو.

Let’s take a quick look at her biography so we can better understand her history and artistic career path. Salwa Al Qatrib was born in Al Mina, Tripoli in 1950. Her dad was oud player and singer Saliba Al Qatrib, who had collaborated with renowned composers back then, such as Mohammed Abdel Wahab. Her mother was called Fadwa Haidar and cultivated Salwa’s interest in learning and ambition. Salwa was raised among seven other siblings and moved with her family to Beirut, where she continued her education at a school in Ashrafieh back when her father had to move due to work reasons.

Marhaba! ("Hi"!)

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